Carpal Tunnel Treatment in Rancho Mirage

Minimally invasive carpal tunnel treatment

What is Carpal Tunnel Injection?

At Desert Pain Specialists we offer carpal tunnel injections to both help identify the source of pain and provide carpal tunnel relief by delivering anti-inflammatory medication into your wrist.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

The carpal tunnel is the narrow passageway on the side of your palm made up of bones and ligaments, and controls the movements and sensation in the thumb and first three fingers. When the median nerve is compressed, it causes numbness, tingling, weakness, and pain in the hand. All of these sensations directly contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome. Up to 3% of Americans suffer from the disabling pain of carpal tunnel syndrome. It is closely associated with work related tasks as common causes of carpal tunnel syndrome include repetitive movements, hand-arm vibration, and working in awkward positions for long periods of time.

Signs and Symptoms

People who suffer from the following are at greater risk

Frequently Asked Questions

Those suffering from some or all of the listed signs and symptoms above are eligible for carpal tunnel injection. Feel free to contact us today if you have any further questions regarding your qualification for this treatment.

When it comes to helping prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, it is crucial to ease the strain on your hands and wrists with the following tips:

  • Keep your wrists straight
  • Avoid prolonged periods of repetitive hand movements
  • Maintain proper hand posture throughout the day
  • Ensure that your daily tasks don’t cause discomfort in your hands
  • Keep your hands positioned higher than your wrists when typing
  • Relax your shoulders to alleviate tension
  • Maintain hand and wrist movements that evenly distribute pressure across your hands
  • Avoid constant texting and phone usage to prevent repetitive strain
  • Take breaks regularly when doing repetitive hand movements
People whose job involves repetitive movements are more likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome. Additionally, those suffering from conditions such as obesity, arthritis, hypothyroidism, diabetes, trauma, and pregnancy are at an increased risk of developing this syndrome. Women are also at a much higher risk as they are three times more likely compared to men to get carpal tunnel.

It is important to take some proactive measures to prevent carpal tunnel symptoms from worsening such as:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight as excess weight can worsen symptoms
  • Quitting smoking since it reduces blood flow in your hands
  • Performing hand exercises (such as putting your hands together, separating your fingers, and pushing them together then apart)
  • Shake your hands to loosen them up
  • Using a wrist splint to alleviate pain
The carpal tunnel injection alleviates your carpal tunnel pain for weeks to months at a time. Every patient has a unique response to the treatment. Feel free to discuss with our specialists on what to better expect for your personal outcome.


At Desert Pain Specialists we provide nonsurgical carpal tunnel treatment through the use of an injection. The carpal tunnel injection reduces pain and helps normalize nerve activity after it is inserted into the inflamed tissue. The treatment process is quick and easy and almost immediately sends you relief and helps heal your carpal tunnel syndrome. While there may be slight discomfort during the injection process, it is generally well-tolerated. It is important to address symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome quickly since they could become more frequent and worsen if left untreated. Pushing off treatment can result in other problems such as permanent nerve damage and hand function loss.

What to expect after treatment

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